2020/2021 Standard Wheat Test

2020/2021 Standard Wheat Test (13 Varieties x 8 Locations)
MSVarietyAvgYld bu/acMOIST %TWT lb/buCarroll 20-NovFayette 9-NovGibson 14-NovHenry 4-NovMadison 13-NovMoore 4-NovWeakley 5-NovWTREC 14-Oct% ≥ Avg.
AUSG 3329100.814.258.17012467891321089212488
ABProgeny #BUSTER98.514.359.470105589313210110412588
ABDyna-Gro 915198.413.860.46810460971361168112675
ABCProgeny #CHAD97.114.557.5828871991251008912375
ABCDProgeny #BLAZE96.913.758.96110963941331068612375
ABCDDyna-Gro 900295.313.959.46211258871301058712250
ABCDEDyna-Gro 917294.113.660.1589972831301008812363
BCDEDyna-Gro 969292.713.759.370796291135949111863
BCDEAgriPro SY Viper91.513.959.16177551001311027812838
BCDEAgriPro SR 142191.114.356.566925296134898711338
CDEUSG 347290.213.558.453975187133909511738
DEUSG 356289.014.459.0669068821241046910938
EAgriPro SY Richie86.813.858.365686782131788511725
Yields have been adjusted to 13.5% moisture.  Each variety was evaluated in a large strip-plot at each location, thus each county test was considered as one replication of the test in calculating the average yield Statistical analysis conducted at 95% confidence interval. Varieties with the same MS letter are not significantly different. Official test weight of No. 2 wheat=58 lbs/bu. TWT = Avg. Test Wt. lbs./bu @ 7 locations. % ≥ Avg. is the % of locations that variety is at or above the field average. Programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and resource development University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture and county governments cooperating. UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.

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