Trials are conducted at Research and Education Centers (Knoxville, Crossville, Springfield, Spring Hill, Milan, and Jackson) and at the AgriCenter International Research Station (Memphis) each year (see entry forms for specific locations utilized for each crop). For the corn and soybean trials, duplicate tests are conducted at the Springfield and Milan locations with and without irrigation. The locations listed above are representative of the diverse physiographic regions in which these crops are produced in Tennessee. All tests are planted in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Seeding rates and row spacings are consistent with UT Extension Service recommendations for each crop.
Data for all entries is published annually in UT Experiment Station and/or Extension Service publication(s) that are distributed to Tennessee extension educators, producers, industry representatives, researchers, and other clientele requesting copies. Results are also posted online at
Every possible effort will be made to plant, harvest, summarize, and publish the results from each entry submitted. However, if unforeseen circumstances or weather conditions occur causing loss of the crop and data, no liability on behalf of UT or UT personnel is either expressed or implied.
If you have any question concerning the variety trials, or suggestions on how we may improve our trials, please feel free to call Virginia Sykes at (865) 974-7285 or by email at Thank you for participating in Tennessee’s variety testing program.
Test Application Forms:
(The application forms are available in PDF format which may be emailed or faxed when completed.