Table 65. Mean yields and agronomic characteristics of seven Maturity Group V Conventional soybean varieties evaluated in five REC tests in Tennessee for three years, 2014 – 2016 (n=15).

Variety†Avg. Yield‡ ± Std Err. (n=15) bu/aMoisture § (n=15) %Lodging (n=13) ScoreHeight (n=15) in.Maturity (n=15) DAPLeaf Holding (n=2) ScoreProtein (n=3) %Oil (n=3) %SDS DI (n=1) %SDS DS (n=1) 0 - 9SDS DX (n=1) indexFrogeye (n=1) Score
AR R09-43060 ± 112.71.6311371.540.
AR UA 5014C60 ± 113.41.3331351.139.622.
USDA-TN JTN-511058 ± 112.72.3351392.740.521.
AR UA 561257 ± 112.82.5371412.340.221.716.
AR Osage55 ± 112.41.6321391.842.821.030.02.726.72.7
TN Exp TN12-501453 ± 112.61.3291381.842.720.
AR UA 5213C53 ± 112.82.4341381.341.920.535.03.327.83.7


† If a trait appears inside parentheses i.e. (RR), then it is not part of the variety name.

‡ All yields are adjusted to 13% moisture.

  • Average moisture at harvest.

Lodging = 1 to 5 scale; where 1 = 95% of plants erect; 2.5 = ~50% of plants leaning at angle ≥ 45°; 5 = 95+% of plants leaning at an angle ≥ 45°.

Maturity = days after planting (DAP).

Leaf Holding = 1 to 5 scale; where 1 = no leaves remaining on stems at maturity; 5 = 90+% of leaves remaining on stems at maturity.

Seed Quality = 1 to 5 scale; where 1 = < 5% of seeds showing disease or split seed coats; 5=95+% of seed are diseased or have split seed coats.

Protein & Oil on dry weight basis.

SDS disease ratings were taken at the Highland Rim Experiment Station on 9/3/2015

DI = disease incidence = percentage of plants with symptoms

DS = disease severity = score of leaf chlorosis and necrosis; 0 = no symptoms; 9 = plant death before normal defoliation due to senescence.

DX = disease index = (DI x DS / 9)

Disease ratings for Frogeye Leaf Spot are from 1-9, where 0=no disease & 10=maximum amount of plant disease or plant death. Ratings taken 8/28/14 in Knoxville, TN

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