Table 15. 2019 MG-4E Roundup Ready Disease Tests

Table 15. Yields and disease ratings of 20 Maturity Group IV Early (4.0-4.5) Roundup Ready soybean varieties in 11 County Standard Tests and in small plot trials at one Research and Education Center and one on-farm location in Tennessee during 2019.

Summary from County TestsSummary from Small Plot Research
Research & Education Center at Milan (RECM)On-farm Location in Jackson (JAX)
MSVarietyAvg. Yield (bu/ac)*TreatedNon-treatedFrogeye leaf spotTarget Spot*TreatedNon-treatedFrogeye leaf spotTarget SpotOther Diseases
ADyna-Gro S41XS9860.541.747.9MODLOW52.848.9MODLOW
ABLG Seeds 4227RX59.551.049.9HIGHLOW57.051.2MODLOWSDS
ABAgriGold G4579RX**59.445.443.2LOWLOW54.247.5LOWMOD
ABAsgrow 45X8*59.140.944.7LOWLOW56.647.7MODLOWSDS
ABNK S44-C7X58.748.944.8LOWLOW55.848.9LOWMODSDS
ABDyna-Gro S45XS37**58.747.747.9LOWLOW55.352.0LOWLOWSDS
ABProgeny 4255RX58.721.825.9MODLOW39.135.1MODLOW
ABWarren Seed BG 4210RR2X**58.647.549.2MODLOW55.748.1MODLOW
ABArmor 42D-27**58.652.349.2HIGHLOW58.750.1HIGHLOW
ABCCroplan 411757.742.543.5MODLOW55.948.0MODLOW
ABCDyna-Gro S43XS27**57.733.937.9LOWLOW47.944.6MODLOW
ABCProgeny 4444RXS**57.738.240.9LOWLOW51.441.5LOWLOW
ABCAsgrow 43X8**57.342.545.7LOWLOW49.349.6MODLOW
ABCTerral REV 4310X57.144.853.9LOWLOW55.050.8LOWHIGH
ABCLocal Seed LS4299XS57.045.049.2LOWLOW51.443.6LOWHIGH
ABCArmor 44D-9256.446.545.0LOWLOW49.944.9MODHIGH
BCLocal Seed 4565X55.751.352.9LOWLOW54.848.3LOWLOWSDS
CLG Seeds S4420RX53.847.650.5LOWMOD53.046.3LOWMOD
CWarren Seed BG 4510RR2X53.844.540.9LOWLOW50.546.4LOWMOD
Terral REV 4679X44.646.6LOWLOW57.449.3LOWLOW

YLD= Avg. Yield @ 13% moisture

MS= Varieties that have any MS letter in common are not statistically different in yield at the 5% level of probability.

Varieties denoted with an asterisks (**) or (***) etc. were in the top performing group for consecutive years.  


*Treated plots sprayed with Quadris TOP SBX @ 7 oz./Acre + 0.25% Induce @ R3 growth stage.

RECM varieties planted May 28, sprayed Aug 8, and harvested Oct 2.

JAX varieties planted May 21, sprayed July 31, and harvested Sept 24.

LOW, MOD, and HIGH is a relative ranking of disease severity at each location. Other diseases noted:, SDS=Sudden Death Syndrome;  ‘ – ‘ indicate variety was not tested at that location  


Disease ratings at RECM: Frogeye leaf spot ranged from 0 – 11% with an average of 2%; Target spot ranged from 0 – 3% with an average of 0.5%

Disease ratings at JAX: Frogeye leaf spot ranged from 0 – 10% with an average of 3%; and Target spot ranged from 0 – 15% with an average of 3%. 


Disease ratings & yield data compiled by Dr. Heather Kelly from replicated plots at the Research and Education Center at Milan and on-farm location in Jackson.

County data provided by Ryan Blair, Ext. Area Specialist, and the extension agents.

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