Mean yields and agronomic data from Memphis, TN – Early Corn

Table A-22. Mean yield and agronomic traits of 28 early-season (<114 DAP) corn hybrids evaluated in small plot replicated trials with irrigation at AgriCenter International in Memphis, Tennessee during 2020. Analysis included hybrid performance over a 1 yr (2020), 2 yr (2019-2020), and 3 yr (2018-2020) period.
HybridHerbicide Pkg†Insect
Avg. Yield§
Moisture at Harvest
1 yr2 yr3 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr
HybridHerbicide Pkg†Insect Pkg.†Avg. Yield§
1 yr
Avg. Yield§
1 yr
Avg. Yield§
2 yr
Avg. Yield§
2 yr
Avg. Yield§
3 yr
Avg. Yield§
3 yr
1 yr
1 yr
2 yr
2 yr
3 yr
3 yr
AgriGold A639-70 STXRIBRR, LLSSC20048317A16.4D-G
AgriGold A6544 VT2RIB ***RRVT2PC16020286AB286A251A16.4C-G16.4B-E15.2A
Local Seed Co. LC1307 TCRRVT2PC20025272A-C16.3D-G
AgriGold A642-47 STXRR, LLSSC20049270BC16.6A-D
Croplan CP 5340RRVT2PC19020247B-D247AB16.8A16.8A
Spectrum 6228NoneNoneC20052246B-D16.6A-E
Warren Seed DS 5018RR, LL YGCB, HX1C19030245B-D245AB16.4D-G16.4C-E
Dekalb DKC62-53 GENVT2P**RRVT2PC18018241B-E241AB222AB16.3FG16.3DE15.7A
Caverndale Farms CF 753 GTCBLLGT, LLCBC18057241B-E241AB199B16.5B-F16.5A-D15.9A
Local Seed Co. LC1289 VT2PRRVT2PC18045237C-F237B205B16.6A-E16.6A-C15.8A
Armor A1299RRVT2PC19010229C-G229B16.4C-G16.4B-E
Local Seed Co. LC1398 VT2PRRVT2PC20026228C-G16.7A-C
Croplan CP 5073RRVT2PC20012227C-G16.3E-G
Progeny EXP2013RRVT2PC20017221D-H16.8AB
Progeny EXP1912RRVT2PC19015219D-I219BC16.3D-G16.3C-E
Dyna-Gro D53VC33RRVT2PC20023205D-J16.3D-G
Progeny EXP1913RRVT2PC19016205D-J205B-D16.7A-C16.7AB
Dyna-Gro D50VC30RRVT2PC18034203D-J203B-D188B16.2G16.2E16.0A
Warren Seed DS 5371RR, LLYGCB, HX1C20033197E-J16.3D-G
Mission Seed A1257 VT2PRR2VT2PC20011192F-J16.4D-G
Progeny EXP2010RRTREC20015189G-J16.2G
Progeny PGY 2012 VT2PRRVT2PC20016185G-J16.7A-C
Armor A1029RRVT2PC20042181G-J16.5A-E
Caverndale Farms CF 794 VIP 3111 GT, LLA4C19025176H-J176CD16.5B-E16.5A-D
Progeny PGY 2008 VT2PRRVT2PC20014174IJ16.4C-G
Dekalb DKC60-80 RIB GENVT2PRRVT2PC20037171J16.5B-F
Warren Seed DS 5210RR, LLYGCB, HX1C20032170J16.3D-G
LG Seeds LG62C35 VT2ProRRVT2P C19027169J169D16.5B-F16.5B-E
Standard Error1818310.10.10.8
† Hybrids that have any MS letter in common are not significantly different at the 5% level of probability. * Hybrids marked with an asterisk were in the top performing “A” group across locations for two (**) or three (***) years within the previous three year evaluation period. ‡ For a full description of abbreviated biotech traits, see table 17.
  • All yields are adjusted to 15.5% moisture.
¶ Lodging values do not typically follow a normal distribution, therefore statistical tests to compute LSD were not performed and only mean values are reported. Values highlighted in light orange are above average for a given trait, MS letters highlighted in dark orange are in the “A group”, indicating no statistical difference from the top-performing variety, for a given trait.
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