Table A-31. Mean yields and agronomic data from Memphis, TN, MG-5

Table A-31. Mean yield, agronomic traits, and quality of 23 Maturity Group V Early (5.0 – 5.4) soybean varieties evaluated in small plot replicated trials without irrigation at AgriCenter International in Memphis, Tennessee during 2020. Analysis included variety performance over a 1 yr (2020), 2 yr (2019-2020), and 3 yr (2018-2020) period. † Hybrids that have any MS letter in common are not significantly different at the 5% level of probability. * Hybrids marked with an asterisk were in the top performing “A” group for two (**) or three (***) years within the previous three year evaluation period. ‡ For a full description of abbreviated biotech traits, see table 31. § All yields are adjusted to 13% moisture. ‖ Lodging was evaluated on a a scale of 1 (no lodging) to 5 (complete lodging). C.V. is not reported for lodging since it was not measured using a ratio scale. ¶ Protein and oil on a dry weight basis. Values highlighted in light orange are above average for a given trait, MS letters highlighted in dark orange are in the “A group”, indicating no statistical difference from the top-performing variety, for a given trait.