Table 47. Yields of 22 Group IV and Group V (4.2 – 5.2) Liberty-Link (LL) soybean varieties in nine County Standard Tests in Tennessee and Kentucky during 2016.

MSVarietyAvg. Yield† bu/aMoist. ‡ %Dyer 5/5 §Fulton 6/7Henry 6/17Lake 5/11Madison 6/7Obion 6/13Tipton 5/27Wayne 5/6Weakley 6/20
ABayer CZ 5147LL5812695663594479464068
ABProgeny P4930LL5612654848565174485462
ABCBayer HBK LL49505612614656584578524462
ABCBayer CZ 5445LL5614595253575268505060
ABCDDyna-Gro S49LL345512624554594177445363
ABCD*Warren Seed Micah 4910LL5513634757565067494759
ABCDE*Bayer HBK LL49535512644751594473405163
ABCDEFBayer CZ 5242LL5413664362504573434661
BCDEFBeck's 522L45412554748554871445660
BCDEFWarren Seed Micah 4400LL5312574763445070454260
BCDEFBayer CZ 5150LL5312634652563477454760
BCDEFTerral 48L635312674855512972484661
BCDEFBayer CZ 4748LL5312615155533870453960
BCDEFGBayer CZ 4818LL5212545159483970483563
BCDEFGBayer CZ 5225LL5213584554515072403760
BCDEFGBeck's 474L45212605062533770433259
CDEFGWarren Seed Micah 4810LL5212584748534067484361
DEFGBayer CZ 4540LL5112614552454162504258
EFGProgeny P4814LLS5012524155454761474264
FGTerral 49L495012534251484169434260
GHCroplan LL47134812533761483857473157
HBeck's 424L44511514556383160393753
Average (bu/a)5312604755524370464361


† Yields have been adjusted to 13% moisture.

‡ Moisture at harvest.

  • Planting date.

Each variety was evaluated in a large strip-plot at each location, thus each county test was considered as one replication of the test in calculating the

average yield and in conducting the statistical analysis to determine significant differences (MS).

Varieties denoted with an asterisks (*) or (**) etc. were in the top performing group for consecutive years.

MS= Varieties with any MS letter in common are not statistically different at the 5% level of probability.

Data provided by Ryan Blair, Ext. Area Specialist, Grain and Cotton Variety Testing, and the extension agents in the counties shown above.

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