Table 28. Across locations mean yields and agronomic characteristics of 32 Maturity Group V Early (5.0-5.5) soybean varieties evaluated in seven REC tests in Tennessee during 2017.

Variety*Trait Package‡ Avg. Yield§
Avg. Yield Std Err.Moisture
Plant Height
AProgeny 5016RXS**R2X,STS71313.51.64413940.420.9
AAgriGold G5000RXR2X,STS71313.21.84413940.121.2
ABHefty H49X7SR2X,STS68313.41.84313939.721.1
ABCCredenz CZ 5147 LL***LL66313.41.53514040.220.9
ABCDAsgrow AG55X7 RR2XR2X64312.81.53614039.321.9
BCDETerral REV 52A94RR,STS63312.92.14413838.321.8
BCDEMO S14-9017RRR63313.31.63814137.723.4
BCDEDyna-Gro S52LL66LL63313.12.04214140.121.8
BCDEGoSoy LelandCONV62313.32.83714040.320.7
BCDEAsgrow AG53X6 RR2XR2X62313.51.63913839.121.4
BCDECredenz CZ 5150 LLLL62313.21.54114038.622.4
BCDEMO S13-1955CCONV62313.32.63714339.721.4
BCDEProgeny 5376RXR2X62312.91.53513840.120.8
BCDECredenz CZ 5242 LLLL62313.11.94214240.421.8
BCDEProgeny 5157RXSR2X,STS61313.11.44013940.421.4
BCDECroplan RX5136SR2X61313.32.04113939.021.7
BCDETN Exp TN11-5102CONV61312.91.53614041.420.9
BCDEGoSoy 5115LLLL61313.31.44113938.822.5
CDEAsgrow AG51X8 R2X/SRR2X,STS61313.21.94613840.921.1
CDEDyna-Gro SX17651XSR2X,STS60313.21.53913840.321.4
CDEUSDA JTN-5110CONV60313.62.04014240.321.1
CDEFTN Exp TN11-5104CONV60312.91.53713941.320.7
CDEFAR UA 5014CCONV60313.61.23513839.820.8
CDEFProgeny 5414LLSLL,STS60313.12.14414340.421.6
CDEFUSG 7547XTR2X60313.11.83614140.022.1
CDEFGo Soy 54G16RR59313.61.73914138.121.9
CDEFProgeny 5417RXR2X59313.11.63614240.322.1
CDEFTN Exp TN13-4303CONV59313.01.53613841.221.0
DEFAR R09-430CONV58313.41.83413940.922.1
EFTN Exp TN16-645RR57312.81.43513940.420.4
EFTN Exp TN16-521RR56313.41.73513840.120.7
FAR UA 5414RRRR53313.42.83613940.120.6
† Varieties that have any MS letter in common are not significantly different in yield at the 5% level of probability. * Varieties marked with an asterisk were in the top performing “A” group for two (**) or three (***) consecutive years within the previous three year evaluation period. ‡  For a full description of abbreviated biotech traits, see table 26. All yields are adjusted to 13% moisture. ‖  Lodging = 1 to 5 scale; where 1 = 95% of plants erect; 2.5 = ~50% of plants leaning at angle ≥ 45°; 5 = 95+% of plants leaning at an angle ≥ 45°. ¶ Maturity = days after planting (DAP). ††Protein & Oil on dry weight basis.  
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