Table 6-a. By location mean yield and agronomic traits of eight corn hybrids evaluated for silage in small plot replicated trials at the Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center in Spring Hill, Tennessee during 2020. Analysis included hybrid performance over a 1 yr (2020), 2 yr (2019-2020) and 3 yr (2018-2020) period.

Table 6-a. By location mean yield and agronomic traits of eight corn hybrids evaluated for silage in small plot replicated trials at the Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center in Spring Hill, Tennessee during 2020. Analysis included hybrid performance over a 1 yr (2020), 2 yr (2019-2020) and 3 yr (2018-2020) period.
HybridHerb. Pkg.†Insect Pkg.†Avg. Yield Dry Weight
Avg. Yield 65% Moisture
1 yr‡2 yr3 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr
HybridHerbicide Pkg.‡Insect Pkg.‡Dry Weight Avg. Yield
MS Dry Weight Avg. YieldDry Weight Avg. Yield
MS Dry Weight Avg. YieldDry Weight Avg. Yield
MS Dry Weight Avg. Yield Avg. Yield 65% Moisture
MS Avg. Yield 65% Moisture Avg. Yield 65% Moisture
MS Avg. Yield 65% Moisture Avg. Yield 65% Moisture
MS Avg. Yield 65% MoistureMilk/ton§MS Milk/ton§Milk/ton§MS Milk/ton§Milk/ton§MS Milk/ton§Milk/acre§
MS Milk/acre§Milk/acre§
MS Milk/acre§Milk/acre§
Dyna-Gro D55VC80RRV2TPCS170017.1A20A3258A23499A
Croplan CP5678RRVT2PCS160017.1A7.3A7.9A20A21A22A3250A2983A2810A23082A21616A21836A
Croplan CP5900S***RRVT2PCS200027.2A21A2993A21550A
DeKalb DKC 70-64RRVT2PCS200037.7A22A3106A23908A
DeKalb DKC 64-44RR,LLSSXCS190077.3A21A3251A23851A
Dyna-Gro D57VC17RRV2TPCS180057.1A7.5A7.8A20A21A22A2994A2969A2870A21520A22337A22570A
Croplan CP5700S***RRVT2PCS200017.8A22A3268A25557A
Standard Error0.60.50.6212143157169248718351581
Plots per entry (reps x locs.)122436122436122436122436
  Table 6-a, cont.
HybridHerb. Pkg.†Insect Pkg.†Moisture at Harvest
Plant Height
Ear Height
1 yr2 yr3 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr
HybridHerbicide Pkg.‡Insect Pkg.‡Moisture at HarvestMS Moisture at HarvestMoisture at HarvestMS Moisture at HarvestMoisture at HarvestMS Moisture at HarvestPlant Height
MS Plant HeightPlant Height
MS Plant HeightPlant Height
MS Plant HeightEar Height (inches)MS Ear HeightEar Height (inches)MS Ear HeightEar Height (inches)MS Ear HeightLodging
MS LodgingLodging
MS LodgingLodging
MS Lodging
Dyna-Gro D55VC80RRV2TPCS1700164A119A44AB0.0
Croplan CP5678RRVT2PCS1600165A63A59A110A109A113A39B42B46B0.00.00.1
Croplan CP5900S***RRVT2PCS2000264A110A43AB0.0
DeKalb DKC 70-64RRVT2PCS2000363A119A45A0.4
DeKalb DKC 64-44RR,LLSSXCS1900764A119A47A0.0
Dyna-Gro D57VC17RRV2TPCS1800565A64A61A113A112A115A45A46A49A0.30.10.2
Croplan CP5700S***RRVT2PCS2000164A111A42AB0.0
Standard Error1234242240.10.070.13
Plots per entry (reps x locs.)122436122436122436122436
* Hybrids marked with an asterisk were in the top performing “A” group for yield across locations within two (**) or three (***) consecutive years of the previous three year evaluation period. † For a full description of abbreviated biotech traits, see table 10. ‡ Hybrids that have any MS letter in common, within a column, are not significantly different at the 5% level of probability using a least signficiant difference (LSD) mean separation test. § Based on University of Wisconsin Milk2006 software program. ‖ ANOVA was not performed for lodging, mean values are given.