Table 52. Mean yields of eight Maturity Group V Liberty Link soybean varieties evaluated in five REC tests in Tennessee for two years, 2015 – 2016 (n=10).

Variety†Avg. Yield‡ ± Std Err. (n=10) bu/aKnoxville Irr. bu/aSpringfield Irr. bu/aSpringfield Non-Irr. bu/aMilan Irr. bu/aMilan Non-Irr. bu/a
Credenz CZ 5147 LL62 ± 16261417571
Credenz CZ 5242 LL60 ± 16163407164
Credenz CZ 5150 LL58 ± 15963416661
Dyna-Gro S55LS75 (LL,STS)58 ± 15664376665
Credenz CZ 5225 LL (STS)58 ± 15657387166
Dyna-Gro S52LL66 (LL)57 ± 16159396561
Credenz CZ 5445 LL57 ± 15457386964
Progeny 5414LLS55 ± 15562395466
Average (bu/a)585861396765
L.S.D..05 (bu/a)358567
C.V. (%)9.26.811.311.37.88.9


† If a trait appears inside parentheses i.e. (RR), then it is not part of the variety name.

‡ All yields are adjusted to 13% moisture.

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